Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How can i get music to play in the background of myspace. like not having the pause/play box thing. here ya go,,

then go into account settings and under music settings and uncheck all boxes...

but dont get upset if it wont play cause i think myspace is having some trouble with music right now cause other people and myself find that when we go to our profile it wont play..

so im just warning you,,,but when they get this fixed... i know that this will work

How can i get music to play in the background of myspace. like not having the pause/play box thing. l?

its a small JavaScript place it in the %26lt;HEAD%26gt; of ur page

here's the code



//By ( More JavaScripts here!

var sound1="first.mid"

var sound2="second.mid"

var sound3="third.mid"

var sound4="fourth.mid"

var sound5="fifth.mid"

var x=Math.round(Math.random()*4)

if (x==0) x=sound1

else if (x==1) x=sound2

else if (x==2) x=sound3

else if (x==3) x=sound4

else x=sound5

if (navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")

document.write('%26lt;bgsound src='+'"'+x+'"'+' loop="infinite"%26gt;')


document.write('%26lt;embed src='+'"'+x+'"'+'hidden="true" border="0" width="20" height="20" autostart="true" loop="true"%26gt;')



How can i get music to play in the background of myspace. like not having the pause/play box thing. l?


javascript isn't allowed on myspace :p


%26lt;embed src="YOURMUSICFILE.mid" autostart="true" loop="true"

width="2" height="0"%26gt;


it will play in the background.

but this is much harder to do than using myspace's system, because you need to get a site to host your file, etc.

if you don't want to embed your song, you could use this code also:

%26lt;bgsound src="YOURMUSICFILE.mid" loop="infinite"%26gt;

hope these help.

How can i get music to play in the background of myspace. like not having the pause/play box thing. l?

Go to this site. It will be very helpful to you:

1) Enter in the url to the song

2) Enter 0 for both the "Width" %26amp; Height"

3) Click "Submit" and get your code

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